These 3 Addictions Are Stealing Your Success

A hand reaching out of the water

If I have learned one thing from working as a coach, it’s this:

We all have different goals in life — but we are all held back by the same few things.

Specifically, it is three addictions that keep us from achieving:

  1. Carb addiction
  2. Consumerism
  3. Media addiction

You might be reading this and think I am being dramatic:


What Is Your “Why?”

A man deep in thought

It’s a crucial question that few people can answer — what is your “Why?”

If you can answer it, achieving your goals will become that much easier. Whenever you struggle, you just need to remind yourself of your motivator. Then you instantly get back to work.


Accountability Partner Checklist: What To Look For

A man writing on a clipboard

Finding the right accountability partner is a struggle. I know, because it took me many attempts before I finally got with the right person.

To speed up the process, I have created this accountability partner checklist. By knowing what qualities to look for, you will save yourself a lot of time (and headache).


Is a Life Coach Worth It?

A life coach talking to his client

Many people at some point in their lives consider working with a coach. Maybe they are stuck in a career that they don’t like. Maybe they struggle with finding a partner or managing their time.

But is a life coach worth it?


How To Stop Scrolling

A man scrolling on his phone

At this point, we are all addicts.

We are addicted to our screens. Just the least bit of idle time, and we reach for our phones. It doesn’t even register anymore. We scroll on auto-pilot.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.


What Are Micro Habits—And Do They Work?

A medical dropper with glass containers

Often, we have these grand resolutions. We want to lose weight. We want to read more. We want to start our own business. But somehow, it never happens.

This is where micro habits come in. By setting the bar incredibly low, we finally stop procrastinating.


What Is Lifestyle Design—And How To Make the Most of It

A man carrying a surfboard

Are you sick and tired of your 9-to-5 life? Then lifestyle design might be for you. Here, you build a life around the things that excite you.

For example, if you love surfing, you might convert a van and drive to the best surf spots. You pay for your adventures while working from your laptop in the evenings.


How To Deal With Polyphobic People

A man pointing the finger at the viewer

Deviating from the monogamous relationship paradigm can come with real consequences. People have gotten attacked and even fired over being poly.

Fortunately, you can prepare yourself for such attacks.


How To Become an Expat — The Ultimate Guide

A man sitting on a sun lounger

Are you about to embark on your expat adventure? Then this guide on “How to become an expat” is for you. We discuss everything from finding accommodation to building a social network in your target country.

But we will also talk about the negative aspects of expat life, like dealing with culture shock, social isolation, or racism. It’s not just all roses when you move to a new country.
